Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Sore and cracked nipples

Breastfeeding is definitely one of the most beautiful experiences a woman can encounter in her life. But many women have stopped nursing their babies long before they intended to because of some very unpleasant and, sometimes painful, problems like sore nipples, that occur during this amazing period and push mothers to use baby bottles. These problems are very common during breastfeeding: the most frequent cause of pain is incorrect positioning or latch and most often when this happens is because the baby is not taking a large mouthful of breast tissue and the wrong technique that the mother uses to nurse her baby. Soreness is also caused by other factors like long feeds and the specific characteristics of mother’s skin. Moreover, inverted nipples can increase the risk of soreness.

However, there are preventative measures mothers can take in order to avoid the appearance of sore nipples or help them healing:

• Don’t try to put your baby’s mouth and don’t let your baby suck up your nipple like a piece straw. Instead, wait until he opens his mouth wide, and then gently pull his head to your breast.
• Support your breast with your free hand. Sometimes baby will really clamp down on their mom’s breast if they are thinking they are going to lose it!
• Make sure your baby’s body is well supported around your body so that he can concentrate on sucking rather than having to worry about the rest of his body dangling.
• Try using a pillow to support your arms while you are holding your baby.
• Do not pull your baby off the breast, always break his suction by placing your finger in the corner of his mouth before removing him from your breast.
• Wear breathable, natural fabrics and avoid plastic liners in nursing pads. Try wearing breast shells inside your nipples and keep the fabric of your bra from rubbing against your nipples
• Saline soaks can be very healing too. Just melt some in a cup of warm water and apply it a pad three or four times a day.

Some mothers find hydrogel pads soothing and healing to nipple trauma. Do not believe people who tell you to apply alcohol or do stretching exercises for your breast, in fact these “treatments” are absolutely wrong as they can damage the tissues. Ask your doctor about using medication if you need to and talk about the possibility of using an antibiotic ointment.

Among the numerous breastfeeding accessories, some of them are more useful than others, like nursing pads to be placed between the nipple and the bra. They do not just absorb the excess of milk but protect the breast from rubbing it against the fabrics making the irritation even worse.

Even if sore nipples can be very painful and annoying, don’t stop nursing your baby as you can still breastfeed. But do not suffer: in fact, if you correct baby’s posture and you follow the advices mentioned above, cracked or sore nipples go away in a couple of days. If your nipples are so painful that you simply dread putting your baby to the breast, just take a short break and use a breast pump for 12 to 24 hours. Do not underestimate sore nipples as they can lead to small infections or mastitis. So, it is extremely important to keep your breast dry and clean and just remember to wash your hand before each feeding.


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